Des Métiers pour penser la ville de demain — HES.SO

  • Professions to design the city of tomorrow

    The facade of the main HEPIA building, located at the corner of rue de la Prairie and rue de Lyon, has just been dressed by a graphic-poetic fresco representing some trades to which prepare the six universities of the HES-SO Geneva. Dream jobs of today and tomorrow so in this imaginary city.

    “We chose this theme because many professions for which the HES schools train interact with the different strata of the city and work, together or separately, to invent the city of tomorrow,” explains François Abbé-Decarroux, Director General of HES-SO Geneva.

    This illustration refers to the construction game: through it, the urban is dreamed, modulated, is made up of several. The faces think together about the city of tomorrow. As for the water, it brings freshness to the urban landscape by symbolizing the perpetual mobility and the


    Format: 15x24m

  • 2021

  • Team up with HEAD—Genève

    Many thank’s to Clement Paurd and Dimitri Broquard

    Photo © HEAD – Genève, Michel Giesbrecht

  • Rue de la Prairie 4, 1202 Genève, Suisse


Opéra de Paris


2023 HEAD — Genève