Jardins Secrets

  • Painting Serie on cotton


    Cher univers,

    Le Printemps est gris

    Je pleurs quand je regarde les infos

    L’humain est capable du pire

    Ça ne m’étonne même plus.

    Je peins pour passer le temps

    Pour trouver un sens à mes images

    Des paysages où la lune devient fruit

    Des marées de bleu sur du coton tendu

    Je remets ma vie

    Dans des cartons

    A la recherche de toujours plus de douceurs


    Each image is a visual poem composed of hieroglyphs collected through research and experimentation. Each symbol and form celebrates the blending of cultures, establishing a dialogue between past and present. The repetition of a symbolic vocabulary constitutes an artistic discipline, reinterpreting ancient motifs to address contemporary issues.

    Drawing becomes the silent language of my inner self, translating into lines and curves my moments of wonder, challenges overcome and dreams to be pursued. Poetry mingles with color, creating a personal emotional language, inviting the viewer to decipher my drawings as enigmas. Modularity is a tool for creative exploration, where each shape becomes a piece of a grand construction set. This exhibition invites us to explore the richness of our cultural heritage while reflecting on our identity and place in the modern world, demonstrating that art transcends temporal and geographical boundaries.

  • Spring 204


Catalog on request — berenicemilon@gmail.com


Interior / Exterior Workshop (copie)


Tout Brûler x 476